It's easy to be a hero. ENERGY HERO is a voluntary program that gives our customers the opportunity to participate in reducing our peak energy demand. We inform ENERGY HEROES when we are approaching a peak alert by sending notices requesting them to limit their energy consumption.

You can help your community control peak alerts by participating in our ENERGY HERO program. When you are an ENERGY HERO, you receive notices when we are experiencing high usage. There are so many easy ways you can help:

Turn off non-essential lighting Turn off restroom and closet lighting

Turn off task lighting at desk Turn off unnecessary fans

Turn off radios Turn off televisions

Turn up AC Thermostat 2+ degrees Close doors to unconditioned spaces

Turn off any computers or monitors not in use


It's easy to become an ENERGY HERO. Just complete the Residential Energy Hero online sign up.


It's easy to become an ENERGY HERO. Just complete the participation form using the information off your utility bill.

Recognition includes -
  • Participation Decal to display in business window
  • Name listed on utility website
  • Name listed in annual thank you in our utility newsletter
  • Signage to let your customers know when you are participating in a Peak Alert


In addition to Peak Alert notification through our Energy Hero program, Austin Utilities installs load control devices on residential central air conditioning units. Load control devices cycle the condenser to your air conditioner off for a portion of each hour while still leaving the fan running. These smart devices know when and how long to control your AC load without disrupting your comfort more than 2 degrees.