Time Of Use Study

Austin Utilities is looking for your interest to participate in a study that will be used to help us develop a Residential Time-of-Use Rate. It is important to know that participating in this study will not change the rate you are currently being charged.

Time-of-Use (TOU) is a residential rate plan where rates vary according to the time of day, season, and day type (weekday or weekend/holiday). For Austin Utilities to establish TOU rates we need to perform a cost-of-service study based on residential customer energy data. When you agree to participate in this study, you will help us gather load data for our study, but you will continue to be charged the same rate you are currently being charged.

SolarChoice customers and customers who have solar installed at their home are not eligible for the study.

For additional questions or concerns please see our FAQs or please call (507) 433-8886 and ask for Melissa Swenson, Customer Service Supervisor. 

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