Customer Advisory Panel Application

AU invites you to apply for our Customer Advisory Panel (CAP). As a CAP member, you will meet quarterly to share your input, ideas, and feedback on a variety of utility related topics. This is your public utility. Your participation will provide us with information from the customer perspective and together we will improve our customers’ experience.
 Meeting Dates/Times
Quarterly Meetings at AU
1908 14th ST NE
Meetings held 2nd Thursday of month:
January, April, July, October
Meetings held 5-6 pm
Refreshments served.
The panel is limited to 12 members. Please submit this application by October 13th.
If you have any questions please call 433-8886 or email
* = Required Fields
Last Name*
First Name*
Home Phone:*
Service Address*
Please tell us a little about yourself.

How long have you been an AU customer?*
Are you currently*

Employer name or Other
Just a few more questions.
Are you a customer of AU?*
What customer type are you?*

Do you or have you ever worked for AU?*
Are you able to attend meetings as listed above?*
Is a family member a current or former emploee of*
Why are you interested in serving on the panel?*
What is ten plus one?*